Camera Use Guidelines

 General Guidelines:

Photography or videotaping is permitted in the Student Recreation Center or at Campus Recreation programs and activities for personal, non-commercial and lawful use provided permission has been granted by the individual(s) being photographed.

For safety and security purposes, the use of any device to photograph, record or videotape in locker rooms and restrooms is not permitted.

The use of a device to photograph, record or videotape unauthorized and/or inappropriate material in the Student Recreation Center is not permitted.

Respect for the personal privacy and safety of all members, guests and participants must be maintained at all times.

Guidelines for individuals seeking to photograph, film or videotape:

  1. Check your background so that others are not inadvertently included without permission.
  2. Be careful to not limit access to equipment/pathways by other patrons.

Those who seek to photograph, record, or videotape individuals in the Student Recreation Center or at Campus Recreation programs and activities for class projects, commercial use, or media use must receive prior written approval from Campus Recreation administration.

Procedures for class projects, commercial use, or media use:

  1. If permission for photography or videotaping has been granted in advance, the Member Services Desk will be notified, and a note will either be posted, or written on the Daily Log.
  2. If permission has not been granted in advance, and/or no reference can be found indicating that at the Member Services Desk, refer that individual to a member of the professional staff (or a Building Supervisor in the absence of the professional staff).
  3. In ALL cases (except student organizations filming their own event) a member of the Student Recreation Center staff (Desk Clerk or Weight Room Instructor or Building Supervisor) must accompany any photographer while in the facility to ensure that the photographer asks permission of patrons to be photographed, and respects the wishes of those who decline.
  4. Make a note on the Daily Log of any photographer granted access (the photographer’s name and whom he/she represents if appropriate).
  5. Notify the Main Office immediately if any photographer is granted access (if the Main Office is open).